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InEight vs Procore

Written by Courtney Fuller | Sep 6, 2024 2:19:04 PM


InEight, now part of Trimble, is an integrated capital program and project management software designed specifically for owners of capital projects. It focuses on providing tools for cost management, document control, and process automation across the entire project lifecycle.

Equally, Procore is a comprehensive construction project management platform that caters to various stakeholders in the construction industry, including general contractors, specialty contractors, and owners. It offers a wide range of functionalities, from project scheduling to financial management and quality control.

Feature Comparison

Project Management

Both InEight and Procore offer robust project management capabilities, but with different focuses:


  • Emphasizes capital program management
  • Strong focus on cost control and forecasting
  • Integrated workflow automation
  • Document management with version control


  • Comprehensive project management suite
  • Collaborative tools for all project stakeholders
  • Mobile-friendly interface for on-site use
  • Extensive third-party integrations

Financial Management


  • Advanced cost tracking and forecasting
  • Budget management across multiple projects
  • Integration with enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems
  • Detailed financial reporting and analytics


  • Project financials with real-time updates
  • Budget tracking and forecasting
  • Change order management
  • Integration with accounting software

Document Management

Both platforms offer document management capabilities, but with some differences:


  • Centralized document repository
  • Version control and audit trails
  • Customizable folder structures
  • Integration with email for document distribution


  • Cloud-based document storage
  • Real-time document editing and markup
  • Mobile access to documents
  • Automated document routing and approvals

Collaboration and Communication


  • Integrated messaging system
  • Customizable dashboards for different user roles
  • Automated notifications and alerts
  • Meeting minutes and action item tracking


  • Real-time project updates and notifications
  • Discussion threads tied to specific project elements
  • RFI (Request for Information) management
  • Mobile app for on-the-go communication

User Experience and Interface

InEight's interface is designed with a focus on functionality and data-driven decision making. Users report that while it may have a steeper learning curve, the platform offers powerful tools for managing complex capital projects. The interface is customizable, allowing organizations to tailor the system to their specific workflows and processes.

Procore is known for its user-friendly interface and mobile-first approach. The platform is designed to be intuitive, making it easier for field teams to adopt and use regularly. Its mobile app is particularly praised for its functionality and ease of use on construction sites.

Pricing and Licensing

InEight's pricing is not publicly disclosed and is typically based on the scale and complexity of the capital program being managed. Pricing factors may include:

  • Number of projects
  • Total program value
  • Required modules and features
  • Implementation and training needs

Procore's pricing is also not publicly disclosed and is based on the annual construction volume (ACV) of the company. Their pricing model includes:

  • Unlimited users
  • Unlimited data storage
  • No hidden fees
  • Annual contracts based on construction volume

Implementation and Support

InEight offers:

  • Dedicated implementation team
  • Customized training programs
  • 24/7 support for critical issues
  • Regular system updates and enhancements

Procore provides:

  • Guided implementation process
  • Online training resources and certification programs
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Regular product updates and new feature releases

Industry Focus and Specialization

InEight is primarily focused on owner-centric capital program management. It is particularly well-suited for:

  • Government agencies
  • Healthcare organizations
  • Educational institutions
  • Large corporations with significant capital expenditures

Procore caters to a broader range of construction industry stakeholders, including:

  • General contractors
  • Specialty contractors
  • Project owners
  • Construction management firms

User Ratings and Sentiment

Based on reviews from platforms like Capterra, InEight generally receives positive feedback, with users highlighting:

  • Strong financial management capabilities
  • Robust reporting and analytics
  • Effective for managing large, complex projects

However, some users mention:

  • Steep learning curve
  • Interface can be less intuitive compared to newer platforms
  • Implementation can be time-consuming

Procore, in the same way, consistently receives high ratings across review platforms, with users praising:

  • User-friendly interface
  • Strong mobile app functionality
  • Comprehensive feature set
  • Excellent customer support

Some criticisms include:

  • Can be expensive for smaller companies
  • Some advanced features have a learning curve
  • Occasional performance issues with large projects


Both InEight and Procore are powerful construction management platforms, each with its own strengths and focus areas. The choice between the two often comes down to specific organizational needs, project types, and budget considerations.

InEight excels in capital program management for owners, advanced financial tracking and forecasting, and program-level analytics and reporting. It's particularly well-suited for organizations managing large-scale, complex capital programs across multiple years and projects.

Procore stands out for its user-friendly interface and mobile functionality, comprehensive project management features, strong collaboration tools for all stakeholders, and wide range of integrations. It's an excellent choice for organizations looking for a versatile platform that can be used across various project types and by different team members, from the field to the office.

Ultimately, the decision between InEight and Procore should be based on a careful evaluation of your organization's specific needs, the types of projects you manage, your budget, and your long-term technology strategy. Both platforms offer free demos or trials, which can be invaluable in assessing their fit for your organization.

Sources: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]