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How Contractors Can Set Attainable Sales Goals For Their Team

September 28, 2021
Ross Romero

Without a clear endpoint, there's no urgency and no clarity about what you want, or how to get there. When you determine and communicate your company's sales goals, your sales team actually has something to work with and something to strive for.What's more, you can use the information you learn from your team meeting or not meeting goals to affect positive change.


How Contractors Can Set Attainable Sales Goals For Their Team

By Ross Romero


What gets measured gets done. It's been said thousands of times because it's true. It's especially true when it comes to your subcontracting company's sales goals. Followup CRM, a customer relationship management software, can help you manage your goals and increase profits.

Why Are Sales Goals Important?

Without a clear endpoint, there's no urgency and no clarity about what you want, or how to get there. When you determine and communicate your company's sales goals, your sales team actually has something to work with and something to strive for.
What's more, you can use the information you learn from your team meeting or not meeting goals to affect positive change. You can do this by:


  1. Setting concrete, data-backed goals based on historic growth rates
  2. Keeping on top of quotas, so you can rectify low targets or too high target
  3. Monitoring the outcomes
  4. Defining the difference between quantitative and qualitative goals
  5. Break down big goals into bite-sized goals


Setting Measurable Sales Goals

When setting sales goals, it helps to keep in mind the acronym S.M.A.R.T.:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound


Some of these parameters might take a few tries of trial and error before you get it right. Followup CRM is here to help you through the process of using reports and dashboards to come up with a good range for sales goals.

Rectify Goals That Are Too High Or Too Low

What motivates people? A job well done and a good incentive, like a bonus or compensation package. Followup CRM allows you to see the ins and outs of tracking sales and the health of your bidding pipeline, which can help you make informed choices about the range of your sales goals, and how to appropriately compensate for meeting those goals.


If your entire sales team is far from target that may indicate a decline in clients or bids for the foreseeable future. If your entire sales team is regularly meeting their goals, it may be too easy for them. Rearranging these goals with the insight of sales goal metrics will save you from unnecessary stress and create a boost in sales.

Monitor Outcomes For Salespeople

All the data you gather and information you review leads you one step closer to understanding where your company stands in regards to profit margins, and if your team has incorporated feedback and coaching into their daily tasks.


Since Followup CRM provides access for subcontracting business owners to see what exactly their employees' appointments, schedules, tasks, and communications look like day-to-day, you can easily check if there are improvements in reaching goals.

Quantitative VS. Qualitative Goals

Sales goals aren't just about numbers. Client satisfaction and care are essential to building a successful subcontracting business. If you only focus on the numbers your employees are working on and ignore the strides they make in more qualitative goals, like improving personability on the phone, then you'll miss part of the recipe that's driving you toward success. All pieces, quantitative and qualitative, matter when it comes to achieving sales goals.


With Followup CRM, you can track if an employee has made note of personal details for a client, and how often they have followed up, to see all aspects of a salesperson's arsenal.

Breaking Down Goals Into Manageable Steps

Set a task down in front of someone and if it's too big—it won't get done. To effectively communicate what you expect from your team, you need to break down 10,000-foot views into bite-sized goals. By creating a more manageable way to reach a goal that might seem insurmountable (like making four calls every workday instead of 1000 calls every year), you get your team to buy-in to the strategies that are pointing toward success.


Find out more about all of Followup CRM's tools in-depth with a free video demo of our software. 


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